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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ali Engin: “Crisis is kind unexpected warriors who come out through dense fog”

At the end of December, 2015 Brücke GmbH Company had been organizing an educational business tour to Frankfurt for the representatives of the leading Banks in Azerbaijan. One of the most remarkable and was the workshop “New business generation. How to become a winner in a crisis” by Ali Engin.

Due to the up-to-dateness of the topic the team of Brücke GmbH company made a decision to update the workshop with the additional fascinating activities that will be held in Odessa, Ukraine.

Below we would like to present the interview of Mr. Ali Engin  – the speaker, certified business coach and commando officer with more than 5 year experience in training a top management of the leading companies in Turkey and Azerbaijan and more than 25 year experience, serving the Special Forces Units of Turkey and NATO.

– In Frankfurt you presented your original workshop:  “New business generation & how to become a  winner in crisis”. Could you please share your vision  on how new generation should look like?

– A new business generation needs to be elaborated as a tool by every business individual to  invent different and original approaches on business making. Flexibility in thinking, visualization of future independently and creativity at every level of generation process are key terms on the  success of new modeling.

Unfortunately, biases may hinder possible developments and stop the access to the new world  of business models. Previous successes may be seen as a comfort zone which are likely to keep  mind sets with in old customs and hamper situational awareness.

On the other hand, flexible and future minded business people will find ways to reach new looks  in accordance with situational requirements in sectors. New generation will sooner or later have  acceptance by new and open minded business tailors as well as academics.

– A big part of your training was dedicated to the economic crisis and how to overcome it.  What is your personal perception to the crisis? How do you achieve success in a challenging  time?

– Crisis is kind unexpected warriors who come out through dense fog. If we don’t see or predict  the other side of fog and lack of courage to go in will eventually makes us stop and wait for our  unforeseen fortune with no progress. Like those warriors, crisis also comes from different  directions without any warning.

However, developing good understanding of our organization’s situational business  environment definitely helps us to shape stronger and more competitive new business models in  crisis. Key word is that keeping awareness alive. That provides new opportunities to be used as a  chance and adaptation to external forces.

– What do you think what topics are of a vital importance for the Top management of the

Azerbaijan companies?

  • I may divide topics into four area of individual & institutional performance development.
  • Strategically management and planning
  • Leadership development
  • Individual model development
  • Team building and crew resource management

Those areas will definitely provide broaden perspective and insight to top management leaders  on new business developments as well as ongoing business relations and engagements.

– In relation to the aforementioned, what new experience can you share with them?

– From the perspective of new global business environment, leaders should keep their situational  awareness alive in order to align their operational decision making processes in the light of  strategic approaches. That requires flexibility and speed on team resource management system  as well as capability management.

I would like to share my following experiences that I highlighted below with leaders.

  • Instant decision making & team resource management
  • Leadership as coaching
  • Storytelling and new creative approaches on business presentations
  • İnnovation and Business generations
  • Value preposition and customer analysis
  • Strategically capability development management

– In relation to the aforementioned, what new experience can you share with them?

– From the perspective of new global business environment, leaders should keep their situational  awareness alive in order to align their operational decision making processes in the light of  strategic approaches. That requires flexibility and speed on team resource management system  as well as capability management.

I would like to share my following experiences that I highlighted below with leaders.

  • Instant decision making & team resource management
  • Leadership as coaching
  • Storytelling and new creative approaches on business presentations
  • İnnovation and Business generations
  • Value preposition and customer analysis
  • Strategically capability development management

– Galore of companies cut their expenses almost in all spheres. What do you think are the  main business tasks that company should financially support in any times?

Main business tasks may be classified in three core areas. Those are customer relations  management, product innovation & research, infrastructure management. Besides those core  business, every company should feed himself in personal performance development align with  company next business models.



Trainer & Coach Resume:ali

ALİ ENGİN (Founder – Trainer – Professional  Executive Coach ACC/ATC – Executive Management  Consultant).

Ali Engin was born in 1963 in İzmir. He graduated from  Army War Academy in 1984 with the rank of  Lieutenant and certified as an Engineer on Electric &  Electronic field. He had served in Commando and  Special Forces Units for 25 years and participated in  international missions at NATO for 5 years.

He was qualified as a commando officer in 1986, had continuously participated in commando small unit  leadership trainings both in Turkey and overseas. He participated in staff college education in 1997  through 1999 and graduated as a staff officer in 1999. He continued his academic development at Armed  Forces Strategy College and NATO Defense College between years 2000-2002.

He was assigned to the mission as a military advisor to CJTF-7 commander in chief in Iraq during allied  operations in 2003. He was assigned to NATO as Sub-Division Coordinator responsible for defense planning  integration among allied countries in NATO Allied Transformation Command. During that mission he had a  chance to work on organizing capability management systems as well as change management and building  integrated change teams. After completing his duty as a deputy commander of Commando Brigade in  Turkey between years of 2007-2009 he was assigned as a military advisor to Chief of staff and MOD of  Kosovo. He completed his academic process in National Security Academy in 2011 and retired from the  army in March 2011 voluntarily.

He continued his career by joining into training and education sector right after his resign. He had worked  as a training specialist and executive management consultant at Private Training & Management  Development Company for 4 years. He delivered special trainings on change management, leadership  development, and performance team buildings, negotiations at institutional and individual levels.

He completed his professional coaching training and graduated from ADLER Europe coaching school in  2004. Afterwards he has been certified as an ACC (Associated Certified Coach) by ICF (International  Coaching Federation) He has initiated his executive coaching sessions exclusively dedicated for senior  managers.

In 2005 and founded his trades mark namely PATHFINDER Training & Coaching Trade Inc. He has started a  new approach in training field and sector by integrating coaching, training and live experimentations trio  together. He begun to use business simulations and orienteering sport and games adapted in scenarios  during individual awareness, team building, leadership development, capability management &  organizational development trainings. He also still uses his coaching skills on individual skill & performance  coaching, executive coaching and team coaching.

He  is  a  member  of  International  Coaching  federation,  NATO  Ancient  Organization,  Turkish    Executive

The detailed information about the upcoming business training, organized by Brücke GmbH company you can find on the website of the event:


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