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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

ARPA Consulting iki vəzifə üzrə vakansiya elan edir

Vakansiya 1. Senior Manufacturing (heavy industry) Expert

• at least Master’s Degree preferably in a field relevant to the project such as economics, business administration, industry; in the absence of a master’s degree, equivalent professional experience of 10 years

• Previous experience of working as heavy industry sector specialist in Europe;
• Previous experience in drafting pre-feasibility studies in heavy industry;
• Knowledge on regulatory impact analysis methods;
• Knowledge of International and European heavy industry standards;
• Experience on organization public-private dialogue;
• Knowledge of economies of former USSR and or CIS countries
• Fluency in English
• Knowledge of Russian, Turkish or Azerbaijani will be an asset

Buna da bax: Şimali Kiprdə tam təqaüdlə təhsil almaq istəyənlər üçün elan!

Vakansiya 2. Senior Manufacturing (light industry) Expert

• at least Master’s Degree preferably in a field relevant to the project such as economics, business administration, industry; in the absence of a master’s degree, equivalent professional experience of 10 years;
• Previous experience of working as light industry sector specialist in Europe;
• Previous experience in drafting pre-feasibility studies in the light industry;
• Knowledge on regulatory impact analysis methods
• Knowledge of international and European light industry standards;
• Experience on organization public-private dialogue;
• Knowledge of economies of former USSR and or CIS countries
• Fluency in English
• Knowledge of Russian, Turkish or Azerbaijani will be an asset

 Е-mail: [email protected]

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