10 C
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

“Gilan Holding” 5 vəzifə üzrə vakansiya elan edir

 Vacancy 1: Financial Reporting Manager 

Gilan Agricultural Group is looking to recruit an experienced Financial Reporting Manager.

This role will report to the Chief Financial Officer and will be responsible for various company statutory and regulatory obligations and to promote best practice with respect to financial reporting, ensuring compliance with latest accounting guidance and emerging international best practice.


• Development and delivery of monthly and year end reports for a group of companies
• Responsible for disclosures, technical aspects and the co-ordination of the production of statutory accounts for subsidiary companies
• Key point of contact for technical accounting issues
• Month end accounting
• Reviewing and updating accounting policies to ensure that they are in line with current guidelines
• Plan the year-end processes, including liaison and key point of contact with the external auditors; preparing the external audit and reporting timetable
• Managing end-to-end delivery of Group statutory accounts
• Support and communicate the development, setting and maintenance of IFRS financial accounting/reporting policies group wide, including creation of a Group Reporting Manual
• Providing accounting advice on business transactions & subsequent accounting for any acquisitions/disposals

Required Skills and Experience

• Big 4 experience is preferred
• Minimum 3-5 years of work experience in financial reporting and accounting
• Experience in the consolidation of accounts under IFRS
• Experience of using or developing consolidation packages is advantageous

To apply for the vacancy please follow the link below: http://hr.gilanholding.com/v/3130#

 Vacancy 2: Financial Controller 

Gilan Agricultural Group is looking to recruit an experienced Financial Controller.


• Lead development of accounting, credit control and tax policies of the company, and documentation of all processes
• Manage and direct all accounting operational functions within the Finance department, ensure the books are accurate and that everything is accounted for in the company
• Monitor all tax related payments and filings, make sure all activities are in compliance with local tax requirement and that all required documentation is in place
• Supervise activities of the accounting employees of the company, organize work to improve skills of workers, provide technical assistance
• Organize improvement of information systems for financial management in accordance with accounting, tax, statistical and management reporting.  Automation of the Systems.
• Establish system controls for effective usage of the financial systems and develop procedures to improve existing financial system
• Responsible for dealing with various requests from head/regional offices
• Provide informational support to enable management of various Business Lines take operational decisions (cost, sales, cash, procurement, etc.)
• Perform analysis and evaluation of financial risks, develop measures relating to control over business transactions with suppliers and customers
• Contributes to the achievement of the company objectives by providing advice and guidance on financial strategy

Required Skills and Experience

• Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Business, Finance
• Have an international certification papers such as ACCA, CIMA, CPA or equivalent
• Have 4+ years of experience in finance
• Strong financial, business & analytical acumen
• Working experience in tax matters
• Strong knowledge of IFRS and previous strong exposure to IFRS reporting
• Be fluent in Azeri, English and Russian
• Must have advance level of Microsoft office skills with advanced proficiency in MS Excel
• Have a strong background in an enterprise accounting software and 1C
• Be detail oriented and analytical problem solver
• Have strong communication and organization skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks, meet specified deadlines and be able to work under stress
• Good team work and people management skills are essential

To apply for the vacancy please follow the link below: http://hr.gilanholding.com/v/3210#

 Vacancy 3: Budget and Control Specialist 

Gilan Agricultural Group is looking to recruit an experienced Budget and Control Specialist.


• Preparation of budgets, cash forecasts, control over implementation
• Comparison of actual vs. budgeted figures and reporting to management, including suggestions on how to improve
• Participate in preparation of narratives for business lines at month-end, ensure variances and KPIs are explained
• Organize improvement of information systems for financial management in accordance with, statistical and management reporting.  Automation of the Systems.
• Provide informational support to enable management of various Business Lines take operational decisions (cost, sales, cash, procurement, etc.)
• Perform analysis and evaluation of financial risks, develop measures relating to control over business transactions with suppliers and customers
• Contributes to the achievement of the company objectives by providing advice and guidance on financial strategy
• Analyze changes in working capital and determine any resulting necessary actions
• Oversee proper use of funds, take measures to ensure solvency and improve profitability, and rationalization of structure of assets
• Identification and effective use of internal cash reserves and additional funding
• Evaluate the results of operations using periodic financial and budgetary statements (regularly and systematically), formulating and implementing corrections for observed deviations from expectations.

Required Skills and Experience

• Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Business, Finance
• Have an international certification papers such as ACCA, CIMA, CPA or equivalent
• Have 3+ years of experience in finance
• Strong financial, business & analytical acumen
• Strong knowledge of IFRS and previous strong exposure to IFRS reporting
• Be fluent in Azeri, English and Russian
• Must have advance level of Microsoft office skills with advanced proficiency in MS Excel
• Have a strong background in an enterprise accounting software and 1C
• Be detail oriented and analytical problem solver
• Have strong communication and organization skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks, meet specified deadlines and be able to work under stress
• Good team work and people management skills are essential

To apply for the vacancy please follow the link below: http://hr.gilanholding.com/v/3211#

 Vacancy 4: Mühasib 

Gilan Kənd Təsərrüfatı Qrupu Mühasib (1C proqramı) vakansiyasına işçi axtarır.


• Müqavilələrin, protokolların və ödəmə hesablarının hazırlanması və müştərilərə təqdim edilməsi;
• Təhtəlhesab şəxslər üzrə avans hesabatlarının hazırlanması və həmin hesablara nəzarət;
• Bank hesabları üzrə ödənişlərin həyata keçirilməsi;
• Digər kreditor və debitorlar ilə hesablamaların qeydiyyatının aparılması;
• Mal-material uçotu;
• Elektron Vergi Hesab Faktura, Qaimə Faktura, Hesab Fakturalarının işlənməsi;
• Əsas vəsaitlərin uçotunun aparılması və amortizasiya hesablanması;
• İşçilərin əmək haqqlarının və digər ödənişlərinin hesablanması;
• İstehsal olunan məhsulun maya dəyərinin hesablanması, xammal və materialların silinməsi;
• Kreditorlar və debitorlar ilə üzləşmələrin aparılması;


• Mühasib kimi minimum 3 illik iş təcrübəsi
• 1C proqramının 8.2 və ya 7.7 versiyasında işləmə təcrübəsi
• Mühasibat uçotunun metodikasının biliyi;
• Mühasibat hesablaşmaları üzrə təcrübə;
• Əmək və vergi qanunvericiliyinin əsaslarının biliyi;
• Məsuliyyətli və stressə davamlı;

Vakansiyaya müraciət etmək üçün aşağıdakı keçiddən istifadə edin: http://hr.gilanholding.com/v/3191#

 Vacancy 5: Treasury Analyst 

Gilan Agricultural Group is looking to recruit an experienced Treasury Analyst.

This role will report to the Chief Financial Officer and will be responsible for day to day treasury activities within the Group.


• Preparation of weekly cash flow forecasts for business units
• Managing all banking and cash transactions
• Preparation of cash flow reporting by business unit
• Intercompany debtors collections and reconciliations
• Performing banking transactions, including opening bank accounts, monitoring loans and payments
• Maintain central records of group-wide credit card information
• Maintain central records and copies of group-wide debt and banking agreements.
• Coordination of the cashiers

Required Skills and Experience

• Minimum 3-5 years of work experience in treasury function
• Familiarity with banking and legal documentation
• Ability to cope with high workloads and multitask

To apply for the vacancy please follow the link below: http://hr.gilanholding.com/v/3131?lang=en#

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