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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

IT Help Desk – Azersun Holding

IT Help Desk – Azersun Holding

IT Help Desk

Əsas tələblər:

. Knowledge of computer hardware, including PC desktop/laptops, printers, windows servers, blackberry devices, and other miscellaneous IT equipment;
∙ Knowledge of English and Russian language;
∙ Experience with desktop and server operating systems, including Windows 7-10, Windows Server 2008/2012;
∙ Application support experience (e.g. Microsoft Outlook);
∙ Working knowledge of a range of diagnostic utilities for desktop support;
∙ Proven analytical and problem-solving abilities;
∙ Exceptional written and oral communication skills;
∙ Exceptional interpersonal skills, with a focus on rapport-building, listening, and questioning skills;
∙ Experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative environment;
∙ Strong documentation skills;
∙ Ability to multi-task.

Vəzifə və öhdəliklər:

The Help Desk Technician’s role is to ensure proper computer operation so that end users can accomplish business tasks. This includes receiving, prioritizing, documenting, and actively resolving end user help requests. Problem resolution may involve the use of diagnostic and help request tracking tools, as well as require that the individual give in-person, hands-on help at the desktop level.

Əlavə məlumat:

• Göstərilən tələblərə cavab verən namizədlər öz CV-lərini [email protected] elektron ünvanına göndərə bilərlər.
• Müraciət etdiyiniz vəzifənin adını email-in mövzu hissəsində “Help desk” göstərməyiniz xahiş olunur;
• CV-lər 11.11.2019-cu il tarixədək qəbul olunacaqdır.

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